Monday, August 13, 2007



I don't know what to say for now!!! Leave me alone my moon... show me your real side... show me...

Wednesday, August 08, 2007



I am worried, I am in love, I am afraid, I am in love, I am anxious, I am in love, I am ambitious, I am in love, I am striving for good, I am in love, I love being in love, I love being great, I am in love, I love looking at your eyes, I love kissing your scarlet lips, I am in love, I love to hold you in my arms, I am in love, I love making my future with you, I am in love, I love being in love, I love to cry with you, I love to laugh with you, I love YOU no matter what else I love...

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Tuesday, August 07, 2007



If you ever wanted to f**k someone please let him know before you screw his ass!
Friends never f**k with each other's business!
so why is she f**king me so bad???????????????

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