Wednesday, July 21, 2004
Mark Twain: Huckleberry Finn
I have put one of my persuasive essays in my Advanced Placement(AP) American Literature class in high school about one of the best pieces of literature about the slavery. I am discussing about the possitive and negative points of the novel which can be useful for the people who have read Huck Finn before or will read that in the future. I also feel necessary to mention Katie Hillstrom, my teacher who have had a great influence on me to write this and helped me to become a better writer.
The Mark Twain’s “Adventures of Huckleberry Finn” is a brilliant piece of literature; it also shows a part of American history. The Twain’s novel demonstrates the racism and social inequality which existed in the south.
The people, who believe that Twain’s Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is an inappropriate novel to be taught in the schools, express their concern, around Jim’s character. The relationship between Jim and Huck, Their escape from home which they believe might affect on the young minorities and also the Huck’s treatment with his father. This kind of treatment is not accepted for must of the families and they do believe that Huck must not be honored in the book.
The definition for a brilliant piece of literature varies from every culture and society to another one. A good piece of literature should not be necessary have a solid form of grammar or writing. As a matter of fact a good novel or story is which can easily connects it self to everyone in the society. Twain’s used informal expressions as they were said in the south make his novel special, because, it connects his novel to the people in the south who were his main readers. It also made the people in the south more familiar with southerners’ culture. “Yo’ ole father don’t know, yit, he’s a gwyne …” Jim said to Huck; is a strong sample of Twain’s brilliant literature which brings humor and culture together to the readers.
Mark Twain’s novel demonstrates the American history. History includes special facts and aspects of each society which have been formed in a particular period of time. Slavery is one of the most important periods of United States History which he demonstrate this period and its difficulties in Jim’s character. “I am a slave and I’d be a slave for whole life” Jim said. This is a proof to the hopelessness and sadness environment of this period of history that Twain shows that beautifully in the Jim’s character.
As we have seen in the history, slavery and racism is one of the darkest points of this country’s history. Mark Twain in his novel has done his best to show the inequality and racism existed in the south which pursues Huck and Jim to escape. “You can buy me, and then I’d be free.” Jim said to Huck; the fact that a human could be easily sold like an animal without have any right to choose, think and argue.
In conclusion, the Mark twain’s Adventures of Huckleberry Finn must be in the school curriculum because his novel tell the students the dirt and nastiness of slavery and racism. It brings this idea that every human being must be equal regardless of their color and gender, despite the fact that it was meaningless in the history for some people like Jim and many other slaves who have lived, killed and tortured in the slavery period. Thus the students must know these facts to be thankful of their freedom and society.
The people, who believe that Twain’s Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is an inappropriate novel to be taught in the schools, express their concern, around Jim’s character. The relationship between Jim and Huck, Their escape from home which they believe might affect on the young minorities and also the Huck’s treatment with his father. This kind of treatment is not accepted for must of the families and they do believe that Huck must not be honored in the book.
The definition for a brilliant piece of literature varies from every culture and society to another one. A good piece of literature should not be necessary have a solid form of grammar or writing. As a matter of fact a good novel or story is which can easily connects it self to everyone in the society. Twain’s used informal expressions as they were said in the south make his novel special, because, it connects his novel to the people in the south who were his main readers. It also made the people in the south more familiar with southerners’ culture. “Yo’ ole father don’t know, yit, he’s a gwyne …” Jim said to Huck; is a strong sample of Twain’s brilliant literature which brings humor and culture together to the readers.
Mark Twain’s novel demonstrates the American history. History includes special facts and aspects of each society which have been formed in a particular period of time. Slavery is one of the most important periods of United States History which he demonstrate this period and its difficulties in Jim’s character. “I am a slave and I’d be a slave for whole life” Jim said. This is a proof to the hopelessness and sadness environment of this period of history that Twain shows that beautifully in the Jim’s character.
As we have seen in the history, slavery and racism is one of the darkest points of this country’s history. Mark Twain in his novel has done his best to show the inequality and racism existed in the south which pursues Huck and Jim to escape. “You can buy me, and then I’d be free.” Jim said to Huck; the fact that a human could be easily sold like an animal without have any right to choose, think and argue.
In conclusion, the Mark twain’s Adventures of Huckleberry Finn must be in the school curriculum because his novel tell the students the dirt and nastiness of slavery and racism. It brings this idea that every human being must be equal regardless of their color and gender, despite the fact that it was meaningless in the history for some people like Jim and many other slaves who have lived, killed and tortured in the slavery period. Thus the students must know these facts to be thankful of their freedom and society.