Sunday, April 30, 2006


How Hateful ...

I am very surprised about these product's which are being advertised on "Café press" (Click Here) web site. Here is a letter to condemn the idea behind these products where I strongly call it as an act against human rights ... If you also condemn these sort of unfaithful messages and advertisements; you may spread the word.

Café press: I am writing to demand that you discontinue the production of your
“Nuke Iran” line. As an Iranian (As a human), I am appalled by the hateful and
unethical message that your company propagates. How hateful can one be to take
pleasure in the death of millions of people? Are 200,000 civilian casualties in
the bombing of Hiroshima not good enough reasons to oppose nuclear bombing? How
far would one go to make profits out of innocent people’s suffering?I request
that you practice the minimal ethics required in any kind of business and remove
the products that encourage the atomic bombing of Iran. Just out of curiosity,
what kind of a parent would choose a “Nuke Iran” bib for her or his baby? I
PS: Special thanks to سیما and SoloGen

well, we've been burning their flag, had occupied their embassy, killing them all around the world and this rhetoric from them is just NATURAL.

I was expecting some thing worse!
but the Iranian regime never said that; ok let's kill american people and ruin the whole america!!!
They say it on a daily basis! and this is not a governmental run company. It's a private run firm that has nothing to do with the US gov't.

Wake Up! dont be an anti-american element!
Thanks for spreading the word!
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