Sunday, April 23, 2006


Kalam and Philosophy; A Perspective from One Problem

Philosophy like science is
an activity of mind,
a state of mind for framing questions
the right question for
the right answer
But the framing
of questions
requires itself a framework
so that the round can be
round and
found so and
the square square and
believe so
ma'a sukuni n-nafs
Some Philosophers consider
square within
their round-framed
eternal universes
But philosophers too are
conceived as they conceive
within their frames
discourse within framed universes
they cannot reasonably escape
Some like Ash'arites
find speculation obligatory
since cannonized tradition
Some like Mullahs
beginning in unquestioned questioning
find it only way and path
to know what is
Richard M. Frank, The Catholic University of America
*The following was originally presented as the opening paper in the Conference on Early Islamic Thoughts in Honor of Harry A. Wolfson 20-22 April 1971 at Harvard University

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